XXe eeuw
Showing 7601–7650 of 7886 results
Een mapje met diverse, architecturale tekeningen op papier.
A folder with various architectural drawings on paper.No longer availableDim. A 4Estimate: € 40 / 60 -
Een zeldzame matglazen vaas, handbeschilderd met bloemendecor. Vermeld in boek.
frosted glass vase, hand-painted with floral decoration.No longer availableDim. 20 cm x Ø 13 cmEstimate: € 100 / 120 -
Een Duits gepolychromeerde, aardewerken schenkkan.
A German polychrome earthenware jug.No longer availableDim. 25 x Ø 10 cmEstimate: € 40 / 50 -
Een fruithouten koekoek jachtklok. Diverse jachtelementen in houtsnijwerk oa hertenkop, jachthoorn, gehangen fazant en haas. 1 koekoek deurtje met vogel. Vermelding binnenin “Maurice Carion, uurwerkmaker, Mechelen”.
fruit wood cuckoo hunting clock. Various hunting elements in wood carving, including a deer's head, hunting horn, hung pheasant and hare. 1 cuckoo door with bird. Mention inside "Maurice Carion, clockmaker, Mechelen".No longer availableDim. H: 60 cmEstimate: € 75 / 125 -
Een lot postzegels van ‘64-’72 eerstedag uitgaves België.
A lot of stamps from '64-'72 first day issues Belgium.No longer availableEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
lot van 3 etsen-”Havenlandschap” - “Rivierlandschap”, “Havenzicht met kranen”, litho op papier gemengde techniek, gesigneerd onderaan “Franck L.”.
lot of 3 etchings -”Harbour landscape” - “River landscape”, “Haven view with cranes”, lithograph on paper mixed media, signed at the bottom “Franck L.”.No longer availableDim. 48 x 66cmEstimate: € 100 / 200 -
lot van 2 Hummels;-Hum 630 Jungbauer, For keeps, #102, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 629 Jungbäuerin, From me to you, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
lot of 2 Hummels; -Hum 630 Jungbauer, For keeps, #102, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 629 Jungbäuerin, From me to you, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 9cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
Hum 335/0 Der Glücksbub, Lucky Boy, #01017, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 335/0 Der Glücksbub, Lucky Boy, #01017, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 11,5cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
lot van 2 Hummels;-Hum 555, Eins, zwei, drei - One, two, three - #1020, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 549/3/0 - Ein süßer Trost, A sweet offering, #144, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
lot of 2 Hummels; -Hum 555, Eins, zwei, drei - One, two, three - #1020, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 549/3/0 - Ein süßer Trost, A sweet offering, #144, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
Hum 486 - Schluß für heute, I wonder, #241, gesign onderaan, in orginele doos
Hum 486 - Schluß für heute, I wonder, #241, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 13cmEstimate: € 80 / 130 -
lot van 3 glazen windlichten, 2 met goud/zilver - 1 met zwarte decoratie, afgebeeld bostafereel met bomen en herten.
lot of 3 glass lanterns, 2 with gold/silver - 1 with black decoration, depicting a forest scene with trees and deer.No longer availableDim. h 12,5 x Ø 10 cmEstimate: € 40 / 50 -
Een lot van 2 melkglazen vaasjes met handbeschilderd bloemdecor.
A lot of 2 milk glass vases with hand-painted flower decor.No longer availableDim. 27 x Ø 12 cmEstimate: € 30 / 40 -
Een blauw porseleinen, vintage Italiaanse tafellamp met glazen kap. Versierd met planten decor en onderaan gemerkt.
A blue porcelain, vintage Italian table lamp with glass shade. Decorated with plant decor and marked - "Made in Italy" at the bottom.No longer availableDim. 48 cm x Ø 44 cmEstimate: € 150 / 200 -
“Kastanjeraper”. Een brons gesculpteerd beeldje op houten voet, onderaan gesigneerd “Rancoulet”.
“Chestnut raper”. A bronze sculpted figurine on a wooden base, signed "Rancoulet" at the bottom.No longer availableDim. 39 cmEstimate: € 100 / 150 -
Een messing Schatz Royal Mariner scheepsklok met emaillen wijzerplaat en sleutel.
A brass Schatz Royal Mariner ship's clock with enamel dial and key.No longer availableDim. Ø17cmEstimate: € 100 / 150 -
Een fruithouten premium koekoek jachtklok. Diverse jachtelementen in houtsnijwerk oa hertenkop, jachthoorn, gehangen fazant en haas. 2 koekoek deurtjes met figuurtjes, label zijkant met melodie vermelding “O du lieber Augustin” en “Auch du wirst mich einmal betrügen”. Vermoedelijk, Zwarte Woud, uit de uurwerkschool van Furtwangen.
A fruitwood premium cuckoo hunting clock. Various hunting elements in wood carving, including a deer's head, hunting horn, hung pheasant and hare. 2 cuckoo doors with figures, label on the side with melody mention "O du lieber Augustin" and "Auch du wirst mich einmal betrügen". Presumably, Black Forest, from the clockwork school of Furtwangen.No longer availableDim. 75 x 45cmEstimate: € 100 / 150 -
Een Italiaans, Venetiaanse kristallen vaas, in organische vis/natuurvorm.
An Italian, Venetian crystal vase, in organic fish/nature form.No longer availableDim. 28cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
Een bronzen Sukhothai stijl Boeddhabeeldje in dhyanimudra op een hoog voetstuk.
A bronze Sukhothai style Buddha figurine in dhyanimudra on a high pillar.No longer availableDim. 22cmEstimate: € 60 / 80 -
Een groot Aziatisch bronzen wierookvat. Divers gesculpteerd en twee grote draken afgebeeld. Dunne scheur in naad onderaan de bodemplaat.
A large Asian bronze censer. Variously sculpted and depicted two large dragons. Thin tear in seam at the bottom of the bottom plate.No longer availableDim. 21 x 36cmEstimate: € 75 / 125 -
Een Chinees porseleinen wierookbrander met meerkleurig decor staande op 3 poten, naar famille rose.
A Chinese porcelain incense burner with multi-coloured decoration standing on 3 legs, after famille rose.No longer availableDim. 23 x Ø18cmEstimate: € 40 / 50 -
Een Chinees porseleinen vaasje met polychroom meerkleurig decor, naar famille rose. Onderaan gemerkt.
Chinese porcelain vase with polychrome multi-coloured decoration, after famille rose. Marked at the bottom.No longer availableDim. 25 x Ø11cmEstimate: € 40 / 60 -
Een paar Chinees porseleinen gemberpotten, versierd met diverse personages en opschrift.
A pair of Chinese porcelain ginger jars, decorated with various characters and inscriptions.No longer availableDim. 30 x Ø22cmEstimate: € 200 / 240 -
Een paar smalle Chinees porseleinen vazen met meerkleurig decor, naar famille rose. Onderaan gemerkt.
A pair of narrow Chinese porcelain vases with multi-coloured decor, after famille rose. Marked at the bottom.No longer availableDim. 32 x Ø11cmEstimate: € 100 / 120 -
Een fiets/motorfiets carbidlamp Vitaphare uit messing - ca. 1900, vermoedelijk Frans-Belgische herkomst.
A bicycle/motorcycle carbide lamp Vitaphare made of brass - ca. 1900, presumably French-Belgian origin.No longer availableDim. 20 x 12cmEstimate: € 35 / 70 -
Een lot van 2 Chinese opbergkistjes met houtsnijwerk en slot. Bijgevoegd, een klein sieradenkastje met 4 laden, versierd met diverse ornamenten.
A lot of 2 Chinese storage boxes with carvings and lock. Included, a small jewelry cabinet with 4 drawers, decorated with various ornaments.No longer availableDim. 15 x 30cmEstimate: € 50 / 75 -
Hum 47/O, Gänseliesl, Goose Girl, #960, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 47/O, Gänseliesl, Goose Girl, #960, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 12cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
Hum 449 Brüderlein und Schwesterlein, The Little Pair, #239, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 449 Brüderlein und Schwesterlein, The Little Pair, #239, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 13cmEstimate: € 65 / 95 -
Hum 658 Behüt uns beide, Playful Blessing, #1061, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 658 Behüt uns both, Playful Blessing, #1061, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 9cmEstimate: € 40 / 70 -
Hum 2105 Summ, summ..., Miss Behaving, #1619, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 2105 Summ, summ..., Miss Behaving, #1619, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 7cmEstimate: € 85 / 125 -
Hum 827 Aufstellschild Ein Küßchen als Gruß, Display plaque Daydreamer, #1501, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 827 Aufstellschild Ein Küßchen als Gruß, Display plaque Daydreamer, #1501, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 9cmEstimate: € 40 / 70 -
lot van 2 Hummels, zonder doos, lichte craquelé;-Hum 79 Hinaus in die Ferne, Globe Trotter, #266, gesign onderaan-Hum 153/0 Auf Wiedersehen, #153, gesign onderaan
lot of 2 Hummels, without box, light crackle; -Hum 79 Hinaus in die Ferne, Globe Trotter, #266, signed at the bottom -Hum 153/0 Auf Wiedersehen, #153, signed at the bottomNo longer availableDim. 14cmEstimate: € 80 / 120 -
lot van 3 Hummels, zonder doos, lichte craquelé;-Hum 413 Ein frohes Lied, Whistler’s Duet, #194, gesign onderaan-Hum 337 Aschenputtel, Cinderella, #780, gesign onderaan-Hum 65 Auf Wiedersehen, Farewell, #936, gesign onderaan
lot of 3 Hummels, without box, light crackle; -Hum 413 Ein frohes Lied, Whistler's Duet, #194, signed at the bottom -Hum 337 Aschenputtel, Cinderella, #780, signed at the bottom -Hum 65 Auf Wiedersehen, Farewell, #936, signed at the bottomNo longer availableEstimate: € 90 / 150 -
lot van 2 Hummels, zonder doos, lichte craquelé;-Hum 336 Geburtstagsständchen, Close Harmony, #781, gesign onderaan-Hum 185 Bandoneonspieler, Accordion Boy, #849, gesign onderaan
lot of 2 Hummels, without box, light crackle; -Hum 336 Geburtstagsständchen, Close Harmony, #781, signed at the bottom -Hum 185 Bandoneonspieler, Accordion Boy, #849, signed at the bottomNo longer availableDim. 13,5cmEstimate: € 80 / 120 -
lot van 2 Hummels, zonder doos, lichte craquelé;-Hum 52/0 Hausmütterchen, Going to Grandma’s, gesign onderaan-Hum 112/I Mutters Liebste, Just Resting, gesign onderaan
lot of 2 Hummels, without box, light crackle; -Hum 52/0 Hausmütterchen, Going to Grandma's, signed at the bottom -Hum 112/I Mutters Liebste, Just Resting, signed at the bottomNo longer availableDim. 13cmEstimate: € 70 / 110 -
lot van 3 Hummels;-Hum 2087/A Kann schon schreiben, Sharpest student, #1529, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 2087/B ABC-Stunde, Honor Student, #1528, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 2071 Glücksbote, Lucky Charmer, #1396, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
lot of 3 Hummels; -Hum 2087/A Kann schon schreiben, Sharpest student, #1529, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 2087/B ABC-Stunde, Honor Student, #1528, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 2071 Glücksbote, Lucky Charmer, #1396, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10cmEstimate: € 70 / 100 -
lot van 2 Hummels;-Hum 555, Eins, zwei, drei - One, two, three - #1020, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 549/3/0 - Ein süßer Trost, A sweet offering, #144, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
lot of 2 Hummels; -Hum 555, Eins, zwei, drei - One, two, three - #1020, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 549/3/0 - Ein süßer Trost, A sweet offering, #144, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
lot van 2 Hummels;-Hum 630 Jungbauer, For keeps, #102, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 629 Jungbäuerin, From me to you, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
lot of 2 Hummels; -Hum 630 Jungbauer, For keeps, #102, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 629 Jungbäuerin, From me to you, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 9cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
lot van 2 Hummels;-Hum 2148/B Ich möchte mitrudern, First Mate, #1850, gesign onderaan, in originele doos-Hum 2103/A Kasperle ist da! Puppet Princess, #1664, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
lot of 2 Hummels; -Hum 2148/B Ich möchte mitrudern, First Mate, #1850, signed at the bottom, in original box -Hum 2103/A Kasperle ist da! Puppet Princess, #1664, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
Hum 20, Der fromme Reitersmann, Prayer before battle, #963, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 20, Der fromme Reitersmann, Prayer before battle, #963, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 11cmEstimate: € 70 / 100 -
Hum 69, Strickliesl, Happy Pastime, #931, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 69, Strickliesl, Happy Pastime, #931, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10cmEstimate: € 80 / 120 -
Hum 6/0 Jägerlein, Sensitive Hunter, #987, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 6/0 Jägerlein, Sensitive Hunter, #987, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 12cmEstimate: € 70 / 100 -
Hum 488, Was ist das? What’s That?, #1039, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 488, What is it das? What's That?, #1039, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10,5cmEstimate: € 40 / 70 -
Hum 554, Frechdachs, Cheeky Fellow, #172, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 554, Frechdachs, Cheeky Fellow, #172, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10,5cmEstimate: € 40 / 70 -
Hum 335/0 Der Glücksbub, Lucky Boy, #01017, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 335/0 Der Glücksbub, Lucky Boy, #01017, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 11,5cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
#98Period: 1919-2006
Hum 420 - Regnet’s?, Is it raining?, #268, gesign onderaan, in orginele doos
Hum 420 - Regnet's?, Is it raining?, #268, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 16cmEstimate: € 100 / 150 -
Hum 541, Selbst gebacken, Sweet as can be, #143, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 541, Selbst gebacken, Sweet as can be, #143, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 10,5cmEstimate: € 40 / 70 -
Hum 175 - Markt-Christel, Mother’s Darling, #858, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 175 - Markt-Christel, Mother's Darling, #858, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 14cmEstimate: € 100 / 150 -
Hum 340 – Brief ans Christkind, Letter to Santa Claus, #777, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 340 – Brief ans Christkind, Letter to Santa Claus, #777, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 18cmEstimate: € 100 / 200 -
Hum 563/0 - Kleine Besucherin, Little Visitor, #100, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 563/0 - Kleine Besucherin, Little Visitor, #100, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 13cmEstimate: € 50 / 80 -
Hum 760 - In die weite Welt, Country Suitor, MIHC 95, gesign onderaan, in originele doos
Hum 760 - In die weite Welt, Country Suitor, MIHC 95, signed at the bottom, in original boxNo longer availableDim. 14cmEstimate: € 100 / 150